Workplace Safety & Compliance

OSHA citations are on the rise. With an increase in inspectors, added and modified rules and regulations, companies are feeling the impact to their businesses. TONE is here to provide a proactive solution, which enables businesses to effectively monitor internal and external conditions in real-time and make adjustements to avoide any unneccessary workplace injuries.

  • Worker Safety

    Take safety seriously by monitoring physical safety of workers.

  • Real-time Data

    See data in real-time to avoid taking reactive measures to protect your business.


Heat Index Monitoring & Alerting

Temperatures are on the rise, which has a direct correlation to workplace safety and can cause hazardous envrionments. TONE's compliance solution monitors internal and external conditions with real-time data, collected from TONE-tags, sensors, and NOAA data, so that you can proactively keep your employees safe and comfortable.

  • External Weather Conditions

    With real-time data from NOAA, we monitor all external weather conditions.

  • Internal Working Conditions

    TONE sensors track heat index, humidity, and more to ensure worker safety is a priority.


Proactively Prepare for Regulators

TONE leverages millions of data sets to proactively identify potential risk in your business. From your employees' physical conditions to the conditions within your facilities, we monitor, capture, and use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and communicate anomalies directly to you through your own branded dashboard. We have also partnered with SCR Safety Solutions, an OSHA compliance expert, to help our customers identify potential gaps in safety before they happen.

  • Analytics & Reporting

    User-friendly dashboards provide clear insights into incidents, condition changes, and more.

  • Compliance Experience

    With over 15 years of compliance experience, we minimize your risk exposure.


TONE's Fully Automated Compliance Solution

Stay ahead of OSHA and other compliance bodies by leveraging TONE's all-in-one Regulatory Compliance Solution. Proactively monitor internal working conditions, external weather conditions, as well as your workers' physical conditions and continue to avoid potential revenue loss due to violations that could have been avoided.

Enhanced Compliance Solution to Reduce Losses

Leverage TONE to minimize your overall risk exposure and reduce potential fines, forced downtimes, and other enforcement actions. The time to act is now and here is why:


Added Inspectors

OSHA has increased inspectors, which results in more inspections, more violations, and more fines.


Average Violation Cost

Organizations tend to accrue higher costs due to an average of 1.5 violations per compliance case.


Loss in Revenue

A single non-compliance event typically results in organizations experiencing an average revenue loss of $5.9 million.